upper level job

How much does a Loan Workout Officer III make in Webster, ND?

As of March 01, 2025, the average annual salary for a Loan Workout Officer III in Webster, ND is $131,610. According to Salary.com, salaries can range from a low of $100,240 to a high of $162,808, with most professionals earning between $115,190 and $147,940.

Loan Workout Officer III Salaries by Percentile
75th Percentile $159,936 $13,328 $3,076 $77
Average $142,281 $11,857 $2,736 $68
25th Percentile $124,529 $10,377 $2,395 $60

Average Salary

25% $115,190 10% $100,240 90% $162,808 75% $147,940 $131,610 50%(Median) Didn’t find job title? Click
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How much does a Loan Workout Officer III make by hour, week, month, and year?

Salary.com provides you with accurate and diversified Loan Workout Officer III salary data based on specialized databases to help you get a fairer salary. Click the switch button below to see more details about Loan Workout Officer III hourly pay, weekly pay, monthly pay and so on.

Last Updated on March 01, 2025
Last Updated on March 01, 2025
Levels Salary
Entry Level Loan Workout Officer III $122,867
Intermediate Level Loan Workout Officer III $124,079
Senior Level Loan Workout Officer III $126,502
Specialist Level Loan Workout Officer III $130,136
Expert Level Loan Workout Officer III $136,164
$122,867 0 yr
$124,079 < 2 yrs
$126,502 2-4 yrs
$130,136 5-8 yrs
$136,164 > 8 yrs
Last Updated on March 01, 2025
Entry Level 14%
Mid Level 13%
Senior Level 11%
Top Level 9%
Experienced 4%
View as graph
Last Updated on March 01, 2025

Job Openings of Loan Workout Officer III

Salary.com job board provides millions of Loan Workout Officer III information for you to search for. Click on search button below to see Loan Workout Officer III job openings or enter a new job title here.

Cost of Living In Webster, ND

Cost of Living in Webster , ND is
4.8% Higher
than the National Average
Use Salary.com's Cost of Living Calculator to find out what income you need to maintain your standard of living in a different city and how much more or less money you need to budget for basic expenses.

Best-Paid Skills and Qualifications for Loan Workout Officer III

What skills does a Loan Workout Officer III need?

Each competency has five to ten behavioral assertions that can be observed, each with a corresponding performance level (from one to five) that is required for a particular job.


Analysis: Analysis is the process of considering something carefully or using statistical methods in order to understand it or explain it.


Promotion: Developing and implementing promotional activities to attract and increase the awareness of customers in buying products.


BI: Business intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and delivering actionable information that helps executives, managers and workers make informed business decisions.

Analysis 8.64%
Promotion 2.47%
BI 1.23%
Others 87.66%
View as Table
What skills can make your compensation higher?
Mastering certain skills can make the compensation of a Loan Workout Officer III higher. Salary.com's Real-time Job Posting Salary Data provides you the latest highly compensated skills to help you get a higher pay. For example, if you master Legal Documents, you can get a 8% salary raise. If you are good at Credit Reports, your salary will increase by 5%. If you are expert in Credit Administration, your salary will rise by 5%.
Skill Salary Demand
Legal Documents
Credit Reports
Credit Administration
Last Updated on March 01, 2025

About Our Data

Salary.com salary estimates, histograms, trends, and comparisons are derived from both employer job postings and third-party data sources. We also provide multiple percentiles of salary information for your reference, click here to know Why the Salary Midpoint Formula Is Crucial to Getting Pay Equity Right. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, Salary.com helps you determine your exact pay target.

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The average salary for a Loan Workout Officer III is $131,610 per year in Webster, ND, updated at March 01, 2025.
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