
Why Automated Recruitment Alone May Not Be Enough

Written by Staff

February 9, 2024

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Simplifying the hiring process is just a click away with an automated recruitment system. And everyone loves these automation systems. Who wouldn’t? Automated recruitment systems can handle all the tedious parts of the hiring process. But is automation enough?

While automated recruitment systems may seem appealing, relying solely on machines to hire can be risky. As advanced as AI has become, it still can’t replicate the human touch. Let's dive into the world of automation and learn why an automated recruitment system alone is not enough.


How Automated Recruitment Systems Work

Automated recruitment systems (ATS) use algorithms and artificial intelligence, but they are more than machines. Here's how an automated recruitment system works:

  • Resume Reading: ATS interprets resumes to extract skills, education, and work experience. It's like teaching a computer to read and understand resumes.
  • Keyword Matching: ATS matches extracted data with employer-set keywords and criteria. This helps in shortlisting candidates who closely match the job requirements.
  • Application Tracking: ATS tracks application status for better candidate management during hiring.
  • Data Analysis: An automated recruitment system gathers data on the effectiveness of recruitment strategies. This helps companies make data-driven decisions to improve their hiring processes.

Algorithms replace humans in screening and ranking job applications. Instead of relying on employees’ manual effort, automated recruitment systems handle time-consuming jobs instantly. Automated recruitment can help streamline the hiring process.

The Benefits of Automation in Hiring

Like other HR tech, automated recruitment systems provide valuable benefits. These include:

  • Time and Cost Saving

Using an automated recruitment system requires an initial payment. But it can save time and resources over time, which makes it a good investment. With automation, you can post a job listing and receive applications quickly. No more sifting through stacks of resumes and cover letters.

  • Reduce Bias

Automation also standardizes the initial screening process. Everyone gets evaluated fairly based on the same criteria. Once you've set up the system, it works for you. You'll have more time to spend evaluating the most promising applicants.

  • Improved Candidate Experience

Some automated recruitment systems offer features for automated communication. It updates candidates on their applications and improves the hiring experience.

An automated recruitment system benefits both recruiters and job seekers. Automation has its advantages, but human interaction is still very important.

Drawbacks: Lack of Human Interaction

The hiring process may go faster with automated systems, but they also come with some issues.

  • Lack of Human Interaction

When a company relies only on computers to hire, candidates lose the chance to connect with a real person. This simply means they can't showcase their skills, ask follow-up questions, or get a feel for the company vibe. For many, a job is as much about the people and work environment as the actual work. Automated systems can't provide that human touch.

  • Complex Implementation

Implementing an automated recruitment system can be a complex and time-consuming process. Small businesses may struggle to integrate these systems due to limited resources.

  • Inflexibility with Unconventional Resumes

If your resume looks different from the usual format, it may confuse the automated recruitment system. This can hurt the chances of qualified candidates who have unique resumes.

  • Inability to Assess Soft Skills

Soft skills are challenging for automated systems to assess accurately. Some examples of these skills include communication and interpersonal abilities. Structured data in a resume may not represent these crucial skills.

  • Potential for Technical Issues

Technical issues are the most common problem with using artificial intelligence. An automated recruitment system can experience technical glitches or errors like any other technology. This can lead to disruptions in the hiring process and cause frustration for both recruiters and candidates.

  • Lack of Personalization

Applicants may feel like they're just another number in the system. Some applicants may feel a lack of chance to share their unique experiences. This impersonal experience can reflect poorly on the company and turn off strong candidates.

Artificial intelligence plays a vital role in the screening process, especially simplifying the hiring process during high-volume recruitment. But human interaction is still essential to the process. Integrating ATS with human interaction leads to a better experience for both companies and job seekers. The sweet spot is a balanced approach that utilizes human and automated elements.


Why Human Interaction Still Matters in Recruitment

Automated recruitment systems indeed make the hiring process easier. But human interaction is still as important. Here's why:

  • Assessment of Soft Skills

Soft skills are challenging for automated systems to evaluate accurately. Human recruiters can assess these qualities through interviews, conversations, and interpersonal interactions. Face-to-face conversations allow you to assess personality, work style, and company culture fit. Things like a sense of humor, passion, creativity, and emotional intelligence are hard to determine from a resume alone.

  • Building Relationships

Human interaction allows recruiters to build relationships with candidates. It is vital to know a candidate's drive, aspirations, and how well they align with the company culture. A personal connection is essential for achieving this understanding.

  • Adaptability and Flexibility

Human recruiters can adapt to unexpected situations. They can ask follow-up questions and adjust their approach based on the candidate's responses. This adaptability is crucial in dynamic and evolving recruitment scenarios. AI evaluates skills objectively. But humans can pick up on subtle cues that may influence hiring decisions.

  • Emotional Intelligence

Understanding and responding to the emotions and cues of candidates is important in the hiring process. Human recruiters bring emotional intelligence to the table. It helps in making decisions that consider the candidate's feelings and experiences. Humans can also probe deeper. They can ask follow-up questions to gain insight into a candidate’s thought process.

Even the most advanced AI cannot fully replace human judgment and interaction. People are complex, and hiring the right person for a role involves nuance that software may miss.

Technology is important in hiring, but people should still be involved. Automated systems can help, but human judgment and relationships are still necessary. With the right balance of tech and touch, companies can hire the best people for the job.

Finding the Balance Between AI Recruitment and Human Interaction

Some may argue that automation is better. Others may still stick to traditional face-to-face hiring. But a balanced approach can use both methods. Here's how you can balance an automated recruitment system with human interaction:

  • Define Clear Processes

Establish well-defined processes for automated tasks and human interactions. Clearly outline the roles of automated systems and human recruiters. This will avoid duplication of effort and ensure a seamless workflow.

  • Use Automation for Initial Screening

The initial screening is the most tedious part of recruitment. Leverage automated systems for the initial screening of resumes and applications. This helps in shortlisting candidates based on predefined criteria. Automating resume screening frees up recruiters to focus on other evaluation tasks.

  • Personalize Communication

Ensure automated messages are tailored and human-like. Respect candidates' originality and value them throughout the hiring process.

  • Flexibility in Decision-Making

Acknowledge that there are situations where human judgment is irreplaceable. Allow human recruiters to make decisions in complex situations.

Automated recruitment systems are useful for sorting through applications. But human interaction is still important in the hiring process. Automated tools can screen resumes and coordinate initial interviews based on critical criteria. But speaking with real people is essential to getting a sense of a candidate's passion, work ethic, and potential fit within the company culture. It allows for a more nuanced discussion about goals, values, and soft skills.

Companies must blend automation and human contact for the best results. An automated recruitment system can perform initial reviews and assessments. Recruiters can then add a personal touch. While tech gets smarter, instinct and empathy are key to recruiting the right individuals.



Don't overlook the valuable qualities of human interaction and discretion. Sure, technology can help handle most of the workload. But human insight is invaluable when choosing the best candidates. If you go all in on automation, you may miss out on some truly talented people. The key is striking the right balance between humans and machines.

The human element brings heart to hiring. A friendly face, a memorable conversation, and a gut feeling that this is someone you want on your team. Automation alone can’t replicate that experience, for better or for worse. A blend of automated and human processes in hiring leads to the best results.

If you need more help deciding, you can check out for a range of products that you may find useful.

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