
Unlock Employee Insights: Top 10 Company Employee Survey Questions

Written by Staff

April 9, 2024

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Have you ever asked yourself what makes a great company employee survey? As a manager, you know happy employees make for a successful company. But how do you really know whether your team is satisfied or just telling you what you want to hear? That is when a well-crafted employee survey comes in.

In this article, explore the top 10 questions you must include to get honest feedback from your employees. You will learn why each query is crucial and how the answers can help you create a positive work culture. Take look at some common mistakes to avoid so you can develop the best company employee survey. With an effective questionnaire, you will gain insights to boost employee retention, productivity, and satisfaction.


Get started and make sure your next company employee survey yields responses that lead to real change.

Why Conduct a Company Employee Survey?

Asking your team members how they feel about their jobs is a smart move. It is like finding a treasure map to their thoughts. When you ask good questions during a company employee survey, you can figure out what is going well and what you need to fix. This can make your team happier, work harder, and stick around longer.

Engagement and Morale

Questions about job satisfaction, work environment, relationships with coworkers and managers, and work-life balance can help determine whether your employees feel motivated and committed to their work. When engagement seems low, you will want to dig deeper to find solutions. After all, highly engaged teams tend to be more productive and loyal.

Growth and Development

Ask your team about opportunities for career growth and progression. See whether they feel challenged in their role and whether they have access to resources for continued learning and skills development. Work on creating clearer career paths and providing more regular coaching and training. Your top talent will appreciate this.

Workplace Concerns

An employee survey is the perfect opportunity to uncover any issues with company culture, policies, or daily workflow processes that may be negatively impacting the team. Look for questions on communication, collaboration, workload, and work tools or systems. Make addressing any concerns a top priority to boost morale and productivity.

When done right, a company employee survey can be a powerful catalyst for positive change. Ask thoughtful questions, listen with an open mind, and be willing to act based on the feedback. Your employees will thank you for it!

10 Key Questions to Ask Employees in Your Company Employee Survey

Before sending out your company employee survey, carefully craft the questions first. Here are 10 key questions that will provide crucial insight into your organization:

  1. Do you have the resources and tools necessary to perform your job effectively?

Employees need the proper resources to excel in their roles. This question helps determine whether your team has what they need to achieve goals and do quality work.

  1. Do you see opportunities for professional growth in the company?

Career growth is a major factor in job satisfaction and retention. Asking this shows your team you value their development.

  1. How satisfied are you with your current role?

A straightforward question that gives an at-a-glance view of how content your employees are in their positions. Look for any low scores and determine how to improve satisfaction.

  1. Do you feel the company values your opinions and feedback?

Employees want to feel heard and that their input matters. This question gauges whether communication in your company is a two-way street. Make changes as needed to encourage an open exchange of ideas.

  1. How well do you think communication flows in the organization?

Effective communication is the lifeblood of any organization. Look for ways to streamline and improve communication channels based on the feedback to this question.

  1. Do you feel recognized for your achievements and contributions?

This question seeks to determine whether employees feel adequately acknowledged and appreciated for their work and contributions to the company. Feeling recognized for one's efforts is an important factor in employee satisfaction and retention. A low score here indicates a need for more meaningful recognition and praise from managers and coworkers.

  1. How would you describe the company culture?

A company's culture encompasses the beliefs and behaviors that determine how employees and teams interact and perform their work. It includes aspects such as the level of formality or informality, the level of collaboration, and the core values that guide decision-making and priorities.

  1. Do you feel that your job aligns with your current career plans and aspirations?

When an employee feels that their job does not support their career goals, it can lead to frustration and reduced motivation. Understanding this alignment helps employers identify opportunities to better match employees' jobs with their goals through changes in roles, responsibilities, or career development initiatives.

  1. What improvements or changes will you suggest for the workplace?

This question allows employees to directly share suggestions on how to improve the workplace. Their recommendations can generate valuable ideas to enhance processes, policies, resources, and overall work environment. Implementing feasible changes based on employee feedback can boost morale, motivation, and productivity. The suggestions demonstrate how engaged employees are in the company's success and their willingness to contribute ideas for improvement.


  1. What do you like most about working here?

Employees who like their jobs are more motivated, productive, and loyal. Understanding what employees like the most about working at your company provides valuable insights into what motivates them and keeps them engaged. The feedback can highlight specific aspects of your company culture, work environment, management, or job roles that employees find most satisfying and rewarding. With this information, you can identify opportunities to enhance or expand upon these positive elements to further improve employee satisfaction, performance, and retention.

While these questions cover some of the most important areas, you can customize your employee survey to suit your company's unique needs and culture. The responses will provide invaluable insight into the inner workings of your organization and help guide future improvements. Conducting regular surveys and acting on the results will lead to a more engaged, productive team.

Making the Most of Your Company Employee Survey Results

Once your company employee survey is complete, it is time to dive into the data. Carefully analyzing the results will help you gain valuable insights into how to improve your organization and address any issues.

Start by looking at the overall response rate and sentiment. A high response rate, especially when most comments are positive, is a good sign your employees are engaged and supportive of the company’s direction. When responses seem apathetic or overly negative, you may need to focus on morale and work culture. Either way, take comments to heart and develop a plan to build on strengths and address weaknesses.

Next, look for any trends in the multiple-choice questions and rankings. Are certain teams or departments less satisfied? Do employees feel their work-life balance can improve or career growth opportunities are lacking?

Compare results year over year to see whether you are making progress on key issues. Act by meeting with team leads, adjusting policies, or providing additional training. Your employees will appreciate knowing their feedback is heard and valued.

Finally, read all open-ended responses carefully. These subjective comments often contain the richest insights. Look for constructive criticism and ideas for improvement. Some responses may point to simple changes that can have an outsized impact on job satisfaction and productivity. Follow up with employees who offered thoughtful suggestions to get additional context when needed.

Using the results from your company employee survey wisely can build trust and set the stage for a more engaged, motivated workforce. Be transparent in sharing high-level findings, take real action on the key issues identified, and make the survey an ongoing tool for strengthening your company culture over the long run. Your employees will be glad they spoke up—and so will your bottom line.



There you have it - the top 10 questions you need to ask in your company employee survey. Getting frequent feedback directly from your employees is crucial for understanding what is working and what needs improvement across all levels of your organization. The insights you gain can lead to positive changes that boost employee satisfaction, productivity, and retention.

Just remember to keep questions clear, anonymous, and actionable. Use surveys to open an honest dialog, then be ready to make enhancements. When employees feel heard and valued, that translates to better business.

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