
Tips to Write Inclusive Job Postings and Descriptions

Written by Amira Mensah

February 8, 2023

Tips to Write Inclusive Job Postings and Descriptions

Writing job postings and descriptions is truly an art. They must be enticing, direct, and concise. As an employer, you are hoping to find quality talent that will add value to your organization for years to come.

Well-written job postings and job descriptions attract ideal talent. As you browse through various job listings you may notice the language used in the descriptions only attract a certain kind of candidate. When job seekers read through a job listing and feel they don’t fit the description they count themselves out. The person who read the description and decided they wouldn’t apply because they felt they wouldn’t belong, may have actually been the perfect fit for the role.

Inclusivity promotes diversity. A diverse workplace allows innovation to thrive. Writing inclusive job postings and descriptions open up the door for a world of endless talent to pour in.

How can you ensure you are writing inclusive job postings to attract top talent? Check out the tips below.


Use Gender Inclusive Language in Job Postings

Katie Stukowski, Vice President of Solutions Consulting at, can’t stress the importance of using gender inclusive language in job postings enough.

“Companies and organizations should review existing job postings to ensure gender-neutral language is being used as well as for any other biased content,” Stukowski said.

Oftentimes, gender discriminatory language is unintentionally used when advertising for an open role. If potential candidates feel their gender, gender identity or gender expression is being discriminated against in the language used in job postings, they can only assume they will be the victims of discrimination within the organization.

Read more about addressing the gender pay gap here.


Center Diversity and Inclusivity at the Core of Your Company’s Culture

When writing job postings and descriptions, be sure to include a few lines about your company’s culture. In describing the culture, emphasize your commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. In doing so, you are communicating to candidates their differences are not only welcomed but celebrated at your organization.

Diversity goes beyond gender and race to reach age, religion, neurodivergent individuals, and so much more. Including your organization’s diversity mission statement within your job posting lets candidates know they are wanted, belong and valued.

Let Job Candidates Know They Don’t Have to Meet All Listed Requirements

Talented candidates may not be able to check all the boxes off that are listed in the requirements. While all the listed job requirements are ideal for a candidate to possess, there may be a candidate who doesn’t have the experience, or the level of education listed but may be able to execute all the duties and responsibilities of the role flawlessly.

Many job skills can be learned on the job. Focus on candidates possessing skills that are critical aspects of the job and view other requirements nice-to-haves.

Learn more about creating the best job descriptions here.


Prioritize Job Mobility and Professional Development in Your Job Postings

When deciding on their next career move, many job candidates consider if the position or organization in which they are applying has opportunities for growth and upskilling their skills and competencies internally. Even if the opportunity for growth won’t necessarily come from within your organization, candidates should feel they are growing within their careers.

Highlighting the professional development opportunities offered is a great way for candidates to know they are getting back as much as they are putting in.

Offer Pay Transparency in Job Postings

Pay Transparency has never been more important or more in demand. Listing the salary of the role you are posting is important and in some states required by law. Including a salary range that is competitive, fair and equitable, lets candidates know the work they will be providing is valued. Making a commitment to provide equitable pay for all employees is the key to acquiring quality talent with low turnover rates.

In addition to the aforementioned tips, it is important to write job postings and descriptions with integrity. Accurately, describing job duties and responsibilities as well as company culture will ensure longevity with future potential employees. provides robust compensation data to help create competitive and equitable pay ranges that need to be included in today's job posting. See how JobArchitect can help you with writing job descriptions.

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about the author
Amira Mensah is a content and opinion writer who is passionate about racial and social justice. Her passion is felt through the many blog articles she has written for nonprofit organizations as well as her published opinion pieces. She has pieces featured in Blavity, and The Black Wall Street Times and Yahoo News. In addition to being a skilled writer, Amira is an avid reader that most enjoys African fiction novels.

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