What Is the Average 3D Modeler/3D Visualizer Salary by State

State Annual Salary Monthly Pay Weekly Pay Hourly Wage
District of Columbia $78,945 $6,579 $1,518 $38
California $78,236 $6,520 $1,505 $38
New Jersey $77,739 $6,478 $1,495 $37
Alaska $77,243 $6,437 $1,485 $37
Massachusetts $77,172 $6,431 $1,484 $37

3D Modeler/3D Visualizer Salary Paid by States in the U.S.

3D Modeler/3D Visualizer salaries are above the national average in 19 states. District of Columbia pays the most for 3D Modeler/3D Visualizer, followed by California and New Jersey. The salary of a 3D Modeler/3D Visualizer in District of Columbia is 11.3(%) higher than $70,930(national average).
In states with high 3D Modeler/3D Visualizer salaries, there are more relevant career opportunities. These states may have more chances to get a better salary in this position.
Aside from salary, 3D Modeler/3D Visualizer must consider the cost of living in different states. Moving to a place with a high salary and more open employment while the cost of living is lower is the best option for a 3D Modeler/3D Visualizer.

How Much Do 3D Modeler/3D Visualizer Jobs Pay Per Year?

National Average
$70,930/ year