How much does a Semi Driver make in Huntington, WV?

As of February 01, 2025, the average annual pay of Semi Driver in Huntington, WV is $55,189. While is seeing that Semi Driver salary in Huntington, WV can go up to $69,569 or down to $42,294, but most earn between $48,439 and $62,716. Salary ranges can vary widely depending on many important factors, including education, certifications, additional skills and your experience levels. With more online, real-time compensation data than any other website, helps you determine your exact pay target.

View Semi Driver Salary by Hour, Week, Month, Year provides you with accurate and diversified Semi Driver salary data based on specialized databases to help you get a fairer salary. Click the switch button below to see more details about Semi Driver hourly pay, weekly pay, monthly pay and so on.

Semi Driver Salaries by Percentile
75th Percentile $62,716 $5,226 $1,206 $30
Average $55,189 $4,599 $1,061 $27
25th Percentile $48,439 $4,037 $932 $23
25% $48,439 10% $42,294 90% $69,569 75% $62,716 $55,189 50%(Median) Didn’t find job title? Click
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View Semi Driver Salary by Experience Levels

An entry-level Semi Driver with no related experience makes about $54,057. With less than 2 years of experience, a mid-level Semi Driver makes around $54,550. After 2-4 years, the Semi Driver pay rises to about $55,240. Those senior Semi Driver with 5-8 years of experience earn roughly $56,461, and those Semi Driver having 8 years or more experience are expected to earn about $58,815 on average.

Entry Level 2%
Mid Level 1%
Senior Level 0%
Top Level 2%
Experienced 7%
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Highest Paying Cities near Huntington, WV for Semi Driver

The metropolitan areas that pay the highest salary in the Semi Driver profession are Columbus,OH, Covington,KY, Newark,OH, Lexington,KY, Richmond,KY, Chillicothe,OH, Portsmouth,OH, Charleston,WV, Beckley,WV, and Parkersburg,WV.

Semi Driver salary varies from city to city. Compared with national average salary of Semi Driver, the highest Semi Driver salary is in San Francisco, CA, where the Semi Driver salary is 25.0% above. The lowest Semi Driver salary is in Miami, FL, where the Semi Driver salary is 3.5% lower than national average salary.

City, State Compared to national average
City, State San Francisco, CA Compared to national average
+ 25.0%
City, State Washington, DC Compared to national average
+ 11.3%
City, State Miami, FL Compared to national average
City, State Chicago, IL Compared to national average
+ 4.9%
City, State Boston, MA Compared to national average
+ 12.1%
City, State New York, NY Compared to national average
+ 16.8%
City, State Dallas, TX Compared to national average

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What does Semi Driver do?

Semi Driver operates a large or heavy truck that transports cargo to and from specified locations on time and according to schedule. Operates vehicle safely and responsibly, adhering to all DOT and company safety regulations. Being a Semi Driver conducts routine inspections prior to departure to ensure the vehicle is in optimal condition. Manages appropriate cargo documentation and provides necessary paperwork upon the delivery of goods. Additionally, Semi Driver coordinates the loading and unloading of the truck, verifying cargo and ensuring items are properly stored and secured. Maintains contact with dispatcher to provide status updates, clarify special instructions, and notify about delays or issues during transport. Typically requires a high school diploma or equivalent. Requires Commercial Driver License (CDL) - Class A. May require a Transportation Worker Identification Card (TWIC). Typically reports to a supervisor. The Semi Driver independently performs a wide range of complex duties under general guidance from supervisors. Has gained full proficiency in a broad range of activities related to the job. To be a Semi Driver typically requires 5-7 years of related experience. (Copyright 2025 View full job description

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