1. What is the average salary of an Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV?
The average annual salary of Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV is $121,756.
In case you are finding an easy salary calculator,
the average hourly pay of Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV is $59;
the average weekly pay of Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV is $2,341;
the average monthly pay of Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV is $10,146.
2. Where can an Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV earn the most?
An Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV's earning potential can vary widely depending on several factors, including location, industry, experience, education, and the specific employer.
According to the latest salary data by Salary.com, an Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV earns the most in San Jose, CA, where the annual salary of an Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV is $152,803.
3. What is the highest pay for Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV?
The highest pay for Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV is $144,077.
4. What is the lowest pay for Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV?
The lowest pay for Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV is $97,834.
5. What are the responsibilities of Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV?
Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV develops, implements and maintains company policies adhering to local, state and federal environmental, health and safety regulations. Involved in the design and development of facilities, work areas and work procedures and makes environmental, health and safety recommendations accordingly. Being an Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV is responsible for preparing, maintaining, and updating environmental policy and procedure manuals. Ensures compliance with all environmental, health and safety regulations, and keeps abreast of any changes to laws and regulations that impact the organization. Additionally, Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV serves as contact with all federal, state, and local regulatory bodies. May require a bachelor's degree in area of specialty. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. To be an Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV typically requires 7+ years of related experience. A specialist on complex technical and business matters. Work is highly independent. May assume a team lead role for the work group.
6. What are the skills of Env., Health, and Safety Engineer IV
Specify the abilities and skills that a person needs in order to carry out the specified job duties. Each competency has five to ten behavioral assertions that can be observed, each with a corresponding performance level (from one to five) that is required for a particular job.
Coaching: Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person, called a coach, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific personal or professional goal by providing training and guidance.
Material Handling: Material handling involves short-distance movement within the confines of a building or between a building and a transportation vehicle. It uses a wide range of manual, semi-automated, and automated equipment and includes consideration of the protection, storage, and control of materials throughout their manufacturing, warehousing, distribution, consumption, and disposal. Material handling can be used to create time and place utility through the handling, storage, and control of material, as distinct from manufacturing, which creates form utility by changing the shape, form, and makeup of material.
ASP: An enterprise that delivers application functionality and associated services across a network to multiple customers using a rental or usage-based transaction-pricing model.