Skills that Boost your Pay and Skills that Boost your Workload

by Staff - Original publish date: January 18, 2012

Q. A coworker recently moved, and the owners decided not to hire a new employee. The office manager and I are splitting the extra duties. Would this be a good time to request a raise, since I am now doing more work at the same pay rate as before?

A. It depends on what tasks you're being expected to take over and on how these new tasks have changed the impact, scope, and responsibilities of your job. Just because the company has increased your tasks does not mean the value of the job has increased.

In many cases, a company may increase the number of tasks in someone's current job function without increasing that person's level of responsibility, supervisory responsibility, or competency. In such a case case, you wouldn't expect an increase unless the job had always been undervalued.

If, on the other hand, the scope and responsibility of your job has increased, it makes sense to ask for a raise. Before you do so, make sure you research the value of the job using the Salary Wizard or the Personal Salary Report.

Good luck.