What's the sexiest job?

by Salary.com Staff - Original publish date: January 19, 2012

Firefighter Ranked #1

It turns out that making a lot of money doesn't necessarily make you sexy. In a recent poll conducted by Salary.com, firefighter hosed down the competition and won the title of "sexiest job" with 16% of the nearly 5,000 votes. These brave, uniformed public servants lit it up over other high paying jobs like doctor, lawyer, and Chief Executive Officer. Take it from the wife of a firefighter: "How could you not find it sexy when a person is willing to risk his life for another's; literally walk through fire? You can't put a price tag on that. It is not just a job to them, but a way of life. It is who they are." Flight attendants also flew high, finishing second in the poll with 13% of the vote. We scoped these job titles to see exactly what this year's most popular Valentines are making for salaries.

Click on a job title below to run a salary report:

CEO Holds Strong

Money and power still matter, however, as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) climbed the corporate ladder to third in the poll, capturing 11% of the vote. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the average CEO across all US metros earns a cool $610,000 per year. Other high paying jobs like doctor and lawyer did not fare quite as well, finishing ninth and tenth respectively. The doctor may be feeling sick after only receiving 7% of the vote, while the job title of lawyer obviously lost its sex appeal with 4%.

Popular TV Character Jobs Also Sexy

Other hot jobs in the poll included reporter and interior designer, each receiving 10% of the vote. The recent "sexiness" of these jobs may be fueled by the popularity of TV's Debra Messing, who plays interior designer Grace Adler on "Will and Grace," Sarah Jessica Parker, newspaper columnist Carrie Bradshaw on "Sex and the City," and casts of such home improvement shows as "Trading Spaces" and "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition." These people may look good on screen, but like the firefighter, they aren't making too much dough.

Is it the Milkman?

We also found out, based on a large number of write-in votes; that you don't necessarily have to be a firefighter to be driving around all day putting out old flames. Some of the most popular write-in votes included dental hygienist, pilot, marine, police officer, physical therapist, chef, and high level executive jobs for women. And if your job wasn't listed, don't give up yet! There are people out there who mentioned these jobs as sexy: parcel deliverers, CPAs, electrical line workers, radiological technologists...and of course, the proverbial "milkman." E-mail poll@salary.com to submit what job you think is sexiest.